School Book Returned After Flight Of Fancy
8th November 2024
A highflying Good Samaritan who is an advocate of children reading during the holidays has returned one of our school library books.
The anonymous member of cabin crew discovered the well-travelled book – Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes – on a recent British Airways flight.
Eager for the book to be returned to its rightful owners, the kindly flyer popped it in the post with a brief note explaining that it had been cruising at 35,000 feet rather than taking its rightful place on the Upper Prep bookshelves in the library at Highfield and Brookham.
The note read: ‘Your student accidentally left this book on my flight. I hope they didn’t get into any trouble as reading, especially while on holiday, should be encouraged.’
While school librarian Dr Whitfield was delighted to have the book returned after its adventure in the skies, Highfield and Brookham Head Suzannah Cryer was taken with the sentiment about the importance of reading.
“Our children really do love to read and I have absolutely no doubt that our library books travel far and wide during the school holidays,” she said, “but for this wonderful person to take the trouble to return the book to us is absolutely wonderful.
“And what really struck me was the last line of the note which championed reading during the holidays, something which we, as teachers, know is vitally important for children’s educational development. Clearly, British Airways cabin crew know that too.”
Mrs Cryer added: “Unfortunately, the note was simply signed ‘BA cabin crew’ so we don’t know who sent it, which is a great shame as it would be lovely to thank them personally for not only returning the book but also for flying the flag for summertime reading.”