School Announces Pupil Leadership Team
20th October 2023
Our pupil leadership team has been unveiled for the new academic year.
Genny Hogg and Jamie Wakeley have been named Head Girl and Head Boy respectively, with Honor Elvins and Theo Dunfield-Prayero acting as their deputies.
Highfield and Brookham School takes the appointment of its pupil leadership team very seriously and, as such, the new incumbents had to come through a thorough selection process.
All pupils are actively encouraged to apply for the prestigious roles and those that decide to apply must submit a formal letter of application to Highfield and Brookham Head Suzannah Cryer explaining why they should be considered for the position.
Aided by her highly-respected senior leadership team, Mrs Cryer reviews each application, draws up a shortlist before interviewing the pupils. The entire staff team at Highfield and Brookham are also invited to share their support and thoughts on the candidates before a final decision is made, where one boy and one girl from the oldest year group in the school are selected for the coveted leadership roles, as well as their deputies.
Mrs Cryer said: “It is one of my most difficult jobs of the school year. Deciding which children should fill these important leadership roles is such an honour but also a huge responsibility. The process is testimony to the children’s desire to aim high and their wish to be the very best they can be.
“The quality of all of the applications shows that Highfield and Brookham is in very good hands indeed.”
As well as appointing the Head Girl and Head Boy, the school also named its Heads of Boarding, Heads of House and Senior Prefects.
The purpose of the pupil leadership team is to be role models for the school, to ensure that pupils’ voices are heard and to represent the school at events such as prizegiving and open mornings.
The full pupil leadership team is:
Heads of School: Genny Hogg and Jamie Wakeley
Deputy Heads of School: Honor Elvins and Theo Dunfield-Prayero
Heads of Boarding: Sasha Samsin and Imi Wright
Deputy Heads of Boarding: Gabriel Church and Samantha Manning
Heads of House: Albie Black, Ines Borwick, Dougie Hogg, Daisy Wren, Coco Bendon and Hugo Mendes
Deputy Heads of House: Imogen Knight, Ian Linnell, Jemima Goldsmith, Rory Lett, Iris Greenslade and Barnabas Lloyd
Senior Prefects: Daisy Apps, Henry Fisher, Shona O’Neill, Amelie Davies, Lydia Warr, Amelie Kitchen, Theo Kauntze, Charlotte Law, Rafe Jenkins, Polina Dolhykh and Sandy Game