This Week’s Headline Story…

School Puts Beehive Forward For Awards Recognition
19th April 2024
Having last year been named a finalist in a coveted national awards scheme which recognises pastoral excellence in schools, Highfield and Brookham is hoping to go one better this year. The school has …
Nursery Sow The Seeds Of Understanding

This week, the Nursery children have been developing their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. They were fascinated to see the grass being cut around the grounds and interested to learn all about people who help us, such as the grounds team who look after our lovely school site. With their curiosity well and truly piqued, the children headed to forest school to plant grass seed so they can learn how to look after the seedlings and watch them grow over the coming weeks. When the time comes and the grass gets long, they can then set about giving it a trim with their scissors.
Penny Hodnett, Nursery Class Teacher
Reception In Raptures On Trip To Marwell Zoo

This term Reception are considering the question ‘would you prefer to live on land or under the sea?’ To help them with their pondering they had the most wonderful voyage of discovery at Marwell Zoo. With a keen focus on describing what they could see, hear and feel, the young explorers relished learning interesting facts about the amazing array of animals big and small that they came across and the habitats they call home. One way they did this was to work together to find the various ‘discovery boxes’ in order to learn as much as they could about the different animals from around the world. Naturally, there was much excited chatter on the journey back to school as the children recalled all the wonderful things that they had seen!
Rosie Snagge, Reception Class Teacher
Eager Year 1 Make Sound Progress In Phonics

Year 1 were this week tasked with learning a new sound in phonics, spotting the new sound in words and being able to blend words containing the new sound. The key element, which the children really took on board, was the importance of understanding what they heard; listening carefully to the sounds and being able to hear them in words. The children eagerly joined in learning the new sound and they all did well decoding words. In phonics lessons, the children learn the skills they need to tackle new words which enables them to read any kind of text fluently and confidently and to read for enjoyment.
Jessie Millsom, Year 1 Class Teacher
Wildflower Work A Labour Of Love For Year 2

To support their theme – Our Natural World – Year 2 took to the great outdoors, with a view to improving the biodiversity of a chosen area of forest school. Embracing and developing the science curriculum outside the classroom and working collaboratively with their friends, Year 2 set about achieving this goal with their trademark enthusiasm. Not concerned about getting their hands dirty, they delighted in combining clay, compost and seeds to create wildflower seed bombs. After these seeds germinate and flower, the children will be able to see the fruits of their labour as they will have physically enhanced the natural environment, which will then attract greater numbers of pollinating minibeasts.
Shirley Jervis, Year 2 Class Teacher
Year 3 Pool Their Resources To Recreate Oceans

To kickstart their topic Life Below Water, Year 3 took to the woods to create an ‘ocean’ using natural resources. After discussing what you might find in a large body of water, whether all oceans are the same and what different layers you may find there, the children were challenged to use their imaginations to generate ideas after being given a clear brief. Using natural resources found on the woodland floor, it was wonderful to witness such willing teamwork as the children not only took responsibility for completing the task but also relished being back together after the Easter break and really engaged with their learning.
Henrietta Platt, Year 3 Class Teacher

With their play ‘Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies’ looming into view, Year 4 demonstrated that they have a positive approach to new challenges by making a great start to learning songs from the show. Singing with real enthusiasm, the merry band learnt the opening and closing numbers ahead of choreography work with Mrs Baird during their drama lessons. If Year 4’s early musical application is anything to go by, we’re in for a real treat when the play is performed in June!
Jess Harman, Year 4 Class Teacher
Marathon Effort As Year 5 Are Up To Running Challenge

Year 5 put their best feet forward during PE this week, as part of the House 1k ‘marathon’ challenge. After a crucial warm up, each child ran a kilometre as fast as they could, aiming to contribute to their House’s overall time. The combined efforts of all runners will determine the collective time it takes to complete a full marathon distance of 42 kilometres, making it not only a true test of determination and athletic prowess but also teamwork. Whether sprinting through the final stretch or pacing themselves for the long haul, every participant gave their all for their House. But it was not just about speed, it was about spirit too. Cheers and encouragement could be heard echoing across the field as children rallied behind their fellow housemates, pushing them to reach new heights and achieve personal best times. Now the children must be patient as they await the results of the remaining year groups.
Rob Dilworth, Year 5 PE Teacher
Year 6 Delve Into Curious World Of Microclimates

In geography this week, Year 6 have been busy studying microclimates; understanding what they are and what factors influence them. Working as a collective to share ideas, the children gave considered opinions as to why they felt that urban areas may be hotter than rural areas. And armed with a deeper understanding of microclimates and their influences, the children took to the school grounds armed with light meters, rulers and wind-measuring devices to ascertain the best position for their beloved ‘Benny the bench’.
Emma Dunn, Year 6 Class Teacher
Year 7 Linguists Brush Up On Their Tenses

Year 7 have been getting to grips with the past tense in Spanish and this week continued working on personal presentations about holidays they have been on. As part of their task, the children studied a video in their target language to use as an inspiration for their presentations. And they demonstrated great awareness and the need to really concentrate on the spoken word as they picked up a lot of information without the need for too much support. The upshot is that Year 7 gleaned some excellent ideas as they prepare to put the finishing touches to their projects.
Jo Longshaw, Head of Modern Foreign Languages
Year 8 Performers Ready To Rock

The countdown to the end-of-year production has begun for Year 8. The children will take to the stage to perform School of Rock in July, and this week saw them busy preparing for auditions, which are due to begin next week. Their objective was to work in groups to prepare a scripted scene, rehearse the songs Teachers Pet and Where Did The Rock Go?, as well as learn a dance routine. And they really worked in harmony to achieve their goals, demonstrating what a talented cohort they are. I wish them well for their auditions, but I know there are some difficult decisions ahead.
Sarah Baird, Head of Drama