This Week’s Headline Story…

School Secures Golden IPQ Status
31st January 2025
Highfield and Brookham School has been awarded prestigious ‘gold’ status for its work supporting pupils undertaking the Independent Project Qualification (iPQ). This recognition, presented by the …
Nursery Celebrate Chinese New Year In Style

The Nursery children had a wonderful time celebrating Lunar New Year. They eagerly joined in a lively and colourful dragon dance, shaking ribbons and moving to the rhythm of the accompanying music with real excitement. Having worked up an appetite, the children headed to the kitchen to help prepare a tasty stir fry, busily chopping vegetables and adding noodles to a wok before sampling the typical Chinese fare armed with chopsticks. And they rounded off their celebrations at the craft table, producing some amazing dragon masks that they proudly wore all day!
Denise Horn, Nursery Class Teacher
Reception Artists Inspired By Vincent Van Gogh

Young artists in Reception loved learning all about famous painter Vincent van Gogh, focusing particularly on his style of painting. Having heard how van Gogh was a post-impressionist painter who expressed his emotions through bold colours and expressive images, the children set about replicating his Sunflowers masterpiece, mixing colours to create different shades of yellows and browns. It was wonderful to see the children so absorbed in their painting, putting their creative talents to the test as they produced their very own masterpieces.
Natasha Jacklin, Reception Class Teacher
Safety First For Year 1 Out In The Woods

Year 1 have this week had a busy and productive time at forest school. While our woodland is a wonderful place for the children to learn, explore and play, there are obvious dangers, and the children first discussed as a group the importance of following forest school rules so that everyone can enjoy their natural surroundings safely. This was especially pertinent as the children used sharp tools for whittling sticks and learned how to build, light and maintain a fire. Year 1 then worked together in small groups and swapped ideas on how best to produce a safe haven for minibeasts in the form of a bug hotel; considering factors like location and stability of the structure and materials needed to attract different insects, such as dead wood, twigs and leaves.
Hannah Feery, Year 1 Class Teacher
Year 2 Reap The Rewards Of Working Together

In PSHE, Year 2 have this week been considering how they can work together most effectively to overcome differences of opinion. Tasked with creating a dream bird for their ‘garden of goals and dreams’, the children discussed various elements of the project, such as what type of bird they should use and what colour it should be, in order to reach an agreement and move the project forward. The children approached this in a mature way, gaining an understanding of compromise and how working as a team, pooling ideas and accepting other people’s opinions can pay dividends.
Charlie Millsom, Year 2 Class Teacher
Year 3 Pace Themselves For Cross-Country Challenge

Year 3 have turned their attention to cross-country running in PE. Similar to other activities on the curriculum, cross country requires a mixture of pacing, endurance and resilience in order to achieve success. Runners must adapt to different terrains and weather conditions to ensure it is a physical and mental challenge. This week, the children have been developing their understanding of pacing to ensure they are running efficiently and are able to sustain their energy throughout the course, running together in small groups to ensure that they stay in a bunch in order to maintain an even pace.
Ryan Underwood, Year 3 PE Teacher
Year 4 Wartime ‘Evacuees’ Write Letters Home

Continuing their spring term Second World War topic, Year 4 have this week been given a glimpse into the life of an evacuee. The children were tasked with planning and writing letters to send home to their mothers. While explaining within their letters how much they miss their families and what everyday life is like for them away from their big-city homes, the children focused on using amazing adjectives and emotional language.
Eleanor Ingamells, Year 4 Class Teacher
Year 5 Linguists Get To Grips With Complex Phrases

In French, Year 5 have been focusing their attention on their surroundings and where they live. This week, the children tackled some complex phrases to describe their local cities, towns and villages; phrases which used different clauses within their language to make them sound more fluent and add flare to their work. Year 5 really rose to the challenge, spoke well and tackled the written work with independence and gusto.
Jo Longshaw, Year 5 French Teacher
Year 6 Ponder Issue Of Relational Boundaries

This week in PSHE, Year 6 have been pooling their ideas while considering relational boundaries. The children faced a series of tasks that led them to recognise how individual boundaries are constantly changing depending on who the relationship is with. For example, a parent, friend or classmate wanting or initiating a cuddle could be viewed very differently in terms of being appropriate. Year 6 discussed how these boundaries might be communicated in order to best look after ourselves and the importance of consent in any relationship.
Zoe Thesiger-Pratt, Head of PSHE
Year 7 Learn The Importance Of Accuracy In DT

Accuracy is of paramount importance in design technology projects, and Year 7 have this week been hands on with dovetail saws and try squares in order to make their work as precise as possible. The children learned that the dovetail saw is primarily used for making small, precise cuts while the try square is a tool used to mark and check 90-degree angles on wood. Handling these tools and honing their techniques really paid off as Year 7 worked on their decoupage coasters.
Jamie Dew, Head of DT
Year 8 Probe The Pitfalls Of Peer Group Pressure

In digital literacy this week, Year 8 have been delving into the world of online peer pressure. Using dialogue and discussion, the children learned exactly what peer pressure is and gave examples of how it can happen online. They identified pressure tactics on platforms like social media, strategies to resist negative pressure, the importance of setting boundaries, and knowing when to seek help from trusted adults. Year 8 also considered how a good friend should behave online and pondered what advice they could give to other people to help them resist online and offline peer group pressure.
Richard Dunn, Head of ICT