This Week’s Headline Story…

Gift Of Giving Boosts School Bursary Funds
5th July 2024
A scheme which helps children secure an independent school education that may otherwise be out of reach has been boosted to the tune of £27,000. The amazing amount for the Highfield School Centenary …
Busy Nursery Bakers Taste Sweet Success At Sale

In a heart-warming display of teamwork and dedication, the Nursery children worked tirelessly to bake and decorate goodies for Giving Day. Showing real enthusiasm for the bake sale while resisting the overwhelming urge to taste the goods, they produced an impressive array of nearly 300 delicious treats, including rocky road, gingerbread men, chocolate crispy cakes, and fairy cakes. Their collective effort not only demonstrated their ability to achieve great things together but also ensured a successful event, generating a brilliant £303 for a wonderful cause.
Penny Hodnett, Nursery Class Teacher
Reception Put Their Best Feet Forward For Charity

Reception put their best collective feet forward to raise a superb £994 on Giving Day. They did so courtesy of a one-hour sponsored walk around the pre-prep and prep school grounds; chatting and laughing in happy little groups and singing songs in the sunshine to help them stay positive if they started to tire. Not only did the children succeed in their challenge, they racked up a healthy 5,000 steps along the way! To help Reception break through the £1,000 barrier, simply visit
Natasha Jacklin, Reception Class Teacher
Testing Course No Obstacle For Determined Year 1

It was a case of double joy for Year 1 as they took on not one but two challenges on Giving Day. Having pitched up early to sell chilli plants, flowers and bean plants which they lovingly planted and nurtured themselves, the children then turned their attention to tackling a challenging obstacle course. Setting out in small groups, the children literally jumped through hoops and honed their bean bag-tossing skills before heading into the woods to complete a tricky scramble on foot along a carefully marked course. After completing the scramble, the children swapped foot slogging for pedal power as they jumped on their bikes to complete their fun challenge and raised a superb £1,253.50 for their efforts. To help the children top up their total, donations can be made at
Rebecca Lane, Year 1 Class Teacher
Year 2 Fundraisers Work Wonders In The Woods

Year 2 spent a creative, industrious and fun day at forest school for Giving Day, putting all of their outdoor skills to good use to raise £1,153.25 for the Centenary Bursaries Fund. Suitably marked with camouflage face paint applied expertly by Mrs Staring, the children built dens, made natural necklaces, cooked porridge and macaroni cheese over the campfire, hunted for minibeasts and put their artistic skills to the test to decorate forest bunting and produce observational drawings. With such a diverse range of activities, the children had a memorable and enriching time while raising an amazing amount of cash. To help them take their fundraising total even higher, you can donate at
Charlie Millsom, Head of Year 2
Year 3 Book In For A Serious Reading Challenge

Year 3 spent the week reading as much as they possibly could. They read at home, at school, independently, with parents, teachers and friends. As they read, they kept track of the minutes they read using tally marks. This all culminated in the Giving Day ‘Big Reads’ challenge, where Year 3 shared some of their favourite stories with the Nursery children. And their collective sponsored reading marathon resulted in a superb £1,112.75 raised for the Centenary Bursaries Fund. To add to the total raised by the eager readers, visit
Rosie Statham, Head of Lower Prep
Paris Colour Run No French Fancy For Year 4

As the sun shone down on Year 4 on Giving Day, an Olympic-sized colour run challenge had been set and the children were determined to achieve their goal. The aim was to run collectively from Liphook to the Olympic stadium in Paris – some 320 miles – while being pelted with colourful powder paint! With music and shouts of encouragement filling the air, the children set out to complete 1,000 laps of a special 330-metre track. The joy and support for each other was clear to see, as children continued to walk, jog and run throughout the challenge. And as Year 4 drew closer to completing their target distance, they found themselves covered more and more in a riot of colour. Counting down the final laps, the children urged each other on to complete the challenge, take home the gold medal, and raise a healthy £1,549.75 for a great cause. Could you help take Year 4’s sponsorship drive a step further? Then visit to donate.
Oliver May, Year 4 Class Teacher
Year 5 Have A Ball As They Pass Football Test

Sporty Year 5 put their football skills to the test on Giving Day, raising an excellent £849 by completing their goal. Forming a big human chain, their aim was to pass a football around ten full circuits of Mac’s Field and Chapel Field, carefully taking possession of the ball before moving it on to a classmate. The end result, apart from an excellent amount of cash raised, was that the children managed to pass the ball an impressive 1.4 miles. Can we get the Year 5 fundraising total past £1,000? To donate, visit
Robert Grech, Year 5 Class Teacher
Year 6 Pool Their Resources With Fundraising Swim

Year 6 truly shone in the pool last Friday, raising a huge amount of money for the Centenary Bursaries Fund. They took on the challenge of swimming the distance from Liphook to Hayling Island, but most of the children weren’t satisfied with completing the number of lengths set for them by our swimming coaches and insisted on doing more. So, once they reached Hayling Island they jumped in the sea and swam on round to Portsmouth Harbour! Everyone played their part, even those for whom swimming is not a strength or preferred activity. It was a true display of teamwork. That said, a special mention must go to Olu A who swam a phenomenal 200 lengths alone for the cause. The result was that Year 6 really made a splash with their Giving Day fundraising, netting a tremendous £2,156.25. Can we take the plunge and add to that amazing total? To donate, visit
Jo Longshaw, Head of Middle Prep
Year 7 Sparkle At The Car Wash

Diligent Year 7 are very much used to rolling up their sleeves and getting stuck in, and Giving Day was no different. The industrious children headed to the school car park armed with buckets, soapy water, chamois leathers and sponges to wash as many cars belonging to parents and teachers as possible. Hosing and scrubbing in small groups, the children divided up the work to make each wash as efficient as possible; one sprayed the car down, a couple applied the foam wash and one person dried. Customers paid £5 per car and at one time the children had six cars on the go at one time. Just in case that was not enough hard work, Year 7 joined their Year 8 peers on their 24-hour rowing challenge from the early hours of the morning to late into the night. With sponsorship forms in, it all added up to a superb £1,456.92 for a great cause. Can we get more? Visit
Danny Parkinson, Year 7 Form Teacher
Year 8 Welsh Wonders Row To St David’s And Back

Inspired by their recent trip to Wales, Year 8 took on a mighty challenge for Giving Day. Using three fitness machines, the children vowed to row from Liphook to St David’s in Pembrokeshire and back, a gruelling 400 miles, in just 24 hours. With the proviso that the rowing machines must be kept in constant use, and with a little help from Year 7, combinations of children continuously churned through the fitness suite looking to add distance to the total. The children paused at 11pm on the Friday night and resumed at 6am next day and, despite splitting their time with preparations for their School of Rock performances, the children had rattled up an astonishing 408 miles by the mid-afternoon cut-off time. This was a remarkable achievement from the children; one where they all participated and sacrificed their time to push themselves and support each other, not to mention raising a terrific £1,269.42 for the Centenary Bursaries Fund, which can be added to via
James Figgis, Head of Upper Prep