Agents’ Area
We understand the level of responsibility you have to try and find the right school for each family. The resources below have been carefully created for you and will help you to get to know Highfield and Brookham and recommend us as if you were one of our teachers. These resources should be used in addition to the information found on the International Admissions and Agents pages of our website. We hope you find the resources useful and as always if you have any questions or, ever better, want to visit us, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Our prospectus and school videos will give you a feel of our school, its values and ethos.
The boarding provision is excellent. The dorms are well thought out and equipped and my sons really like the boarding staff.
International experience
Hear from our international students in our ‘One minute with’ videos.
Find out more about our busy and exciting weekend programme and extra-curricular provision.
Our agent contract explains our terms and conditions for working with agents.
Why recommend us?
Here are some of the top reasons why agents have recommended us in the past:
Our pathway to the top senior schools in the uk
Our commitment to securing every child a place at their first-choice senior school
Our thriving boarding community of around 100 children
Our dynamic Saturday School provision for children in Year 4 and above
Our impressive scholarship success of over 130 scholarships in the past ten years
Our beautiful, modern and cosy dorms
Our 5-star catering which provides three meals and three snacks a day
Our admission process which ensures a managed mix of nationalities in the school
Our years of experience in helping international children settle and integrate
Our location which in the South Downs National Park yet just an hour from London Gatwick and London Heathrow
Our parents were so impressed, not only by the campus and facilities, but also your very professional and thoughtful arrangements.
What are the advantages of children joining an English boarding school at a younger age?
As Highfield finishes at age 13, your child will be one of the older children in the school, which is far less daunting than joining a huge senior school as one of the youngest. Highfield provides a smaller, ‘family feel’ environment that will help your child feel at home and settle quickly, especially if it is their first time away from home.
Boarding at a Prep School allows time for your family to explore the wealth of Senior Schools in the UK, and really benefit from the experience of our Headmaster in advising the best ‘fit’ school for your child. Meanwhile our flawless track record for securing children’s places at their first choice provides great peace of mind.
How many international children are in the school?
Just over 460 children attend Highfield and Brookham, 100 of them are boarders, and approximately 30 of our boarders are international students. We have a strict admissions policy to ensure that no overseas nationality is dominant in our school to ensure a good diversity of language and culture.
What is the admissions process for the main school?
Children are welcome to apply to join Highfield and Brookham Schools at any stage and at any point through the year. However as availability can be very limited, we recommend families register at the earliest opportunity.
International pupils will be asked to provide a most recent report from their current school, and depending on the year of entry, may be asked to complete a Maths and English Assessment online. We prefer families to visit the school in person before enrolling, but where this is not possible an informal interview can be conducted via video call.
If we are able to offer the child a place, the family will be asked to complete the Registration Form and pay the non-refundable registration fee of £100.
An acceptance deposit of £1000 is required to confirm their place.
What level of English is required to join Highfield and Brookham?
Children need to have sufficient spoken and written English to be able to follow the lessons, however, additional English lessons (either one-to-one or in small groups) can be provided once or twice a week, as needed. We usually find children make rapid progress when they arrive.
What is the boarding accommodation like?
Our newly refurbished boarding accommodation is warm and homely, located on the upper floors of the school building. There are separate sections for boys and girls, and children sleep in dorms with between 4 – 8 beds. The boarding staff also have bedrooms near the dormitories so there is always someone nearby if needed to ensure children feel happy, safe and cared for. A laundry service is provided by our Matron, and we have an on site Nurse should a child feel unwell.