Sports Day Again Lives Up To Star Billing
Sports Day at Highfield and Brookham once again lived up to its star billing on the school’s busy sporting calendar.
Nursery got the got ball rolling as we staged four brilliant events over three action-packed, fun and emotional days in front of proud parents and grandparents, culminating in some spectacular performances from our older prep school children. The young athletes of all ages showed great versatility, courage, determination and no little amount of ability as they gave their all, be it sprinting on the track, clearing hurdles of all sizes, testing their technique at the ball throw or seeing how far they could leap into the long jump pit; all to the uplifting soundtrack of cheers, applause and encouragement from the sidelines from adults and teammates alike. For some children, a personal best time or distance was the goal, for others the lure of silverware and medals represented a good return for a year of hard work, but for many simply giving it a go, trying their best for their houses and soaking up the special atmosphere was reward enough. At pre-prep, Oak were the winning house in the joint Reception and Year 1 event while Ash took the honours when the sporting spotlight fell on Year 2 and Year 3. And on a dramatic day at the prep school, featuring children from Year 4 to Year 8, four school records tumbled. Millie B set a new junior school record of 55.89 seconds in the 300m, surpassing Alice D’s 2023 mark by more than a second, and Sasha S won the senior boys’ 600m in 1 minute 53 seconds, breaking Old Highfieldian Luke Knight’s record by two seconds. In the relays, Agincourt’s junior boys shattered their own house record from the previous year, winning the 4x100m in 1 minute 10 seconds. And a strong Waterloo senior boys’ quartet set a new school record of 57.92 seconds, breaking the record set last year by Agincourt. In the overall House competition, Agincourt retained the title they won 12 months ago.
Sports Day awards:
Victor Ludorum: Harry H
Victrix Ludorum: Eliza R
Sportsmanship: Pippa N & Charlie RS
Junior Victor Ludorum: Leon M
Junior Victrix Ludorum: Millie B
Middle Victor Ludorum: Arthur H
Middle Victrix Ludorum: Olivia T
Senior Victor Ludorum: Cristo P
Senior Victrix Ludorum: Imogen K
Highfield And Brookham School Sports Day 2024

Highfield And Brookham School Sports Day 2024

Highfield And Brookham School Sports Day 2024

Highfield And Brookham School Sports Day 2024

Highfield And Brookham School Sports Day 2024